Trains between the Netherlands and London from 10 February 2025
Travelling from the Netherlands to London
Our direct trains from Amsterdam and Rotterdam to London will be temporarily back in service between 10 February and 29 March 2025. They’ll then take a break due to essential works at Amsterdam Centraal and restart again at the end of April 2025.
When our direct trains are not running, you can still travel from the Netherlands to London with a change at Brussels-Midi/Zuid. Search for available trains.
Access to our direct trains to London in Amsterdam Centraal during early 2025
Between 10 February and 29 March 2025, due to temporary building works, stairs will be the only way to access our direct trains in Amsterdam Centraal. Help will be offered to wheelchair users and travellers with reduced mobility to get to the train.
Alternative travel options
If you need an alternative travel route with access to a lift or escalators, we recommend you either:
- travel from Amsterdam to London with a change in Brussels.
- travel direct from Rotterdam to London.
Find out more about assistance. Step-free access will be available again at the end of April 2025.
Travelling from London to the Netherlands
You can either take a direct train to Rotterdam or Amsterdam or travel via Brussels. What you can book depends on the time of day and availability. Search for available trains.